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    [Ayuda] NPC Error quiero poner mis ciudades ;(


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    Nuevo Miembro
    Nuevo Miembro
    Descripcion escribió:Me da error, me dice una linea pero no se que es lo que tengo que hacer... [Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver este vínculo]

    script modificado:

    local internalNpcName = "Captain Dreadnought"
    local npcType = Game.createNpcType(internalNpcName)
    local npcConfig = {}

    npcConfig.name = internalNpcName
    npcConfig.description = internalNpcName

    npcConfig.health = 100
    npcConfig.maxHealth = npcConfig.health
    npcConfig.walkInterval = 2000
    npcConfig.walkRadius = 2

    npcConfig.outfit = {
    lookType = 155,
    lookHead = 96,
    lookBody = 0,
    lookLegs = 78,
    lookFeet = 96,
    lookAddons = 1

    npcConfig.flags = {
    floorchange = false

    npcConfig.voices = {
    interval = 15000,
    chance = 50,
    {text = "No smuggling aboard this ship! Only 20 pieces of any creature product allowed!"},
    {text = "No fear! The Sea Cat will ship you safely to the mainland!"},
    {text = "All aboard! Prepare to sail!"},
    {text = "Come hell or high water, we'll reach any port I sail you to!"},
    {text = "This island is too small. I need sea water around me."}

    local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()
    local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)

    npcType.onThink = function(npc, interval)
    npcHandler:onThink(npc, interval)

    npcType.onAppear = function(npc, creature)
    npcHandler:onAppear(npc, creature)

    npcType.onDisappear = function(npc, creature)
    npcHandler:onDisappear(npc, creature)

    npcType.onMove = function(npc, creature, fromPosition, toPosition)
    npcHandler:onMove(npc, creature, fromPosition, toPosition)

    npcType.onSay = function(npc, creature, type, message)
    npcHandler:onSay(npc, creature, type, message)

    npcType.onCloseChannel = function(npc, creature)
    npcHandler:onCloseChannel(npc, creature)

    -- List of all towns to ask about and to sail to
    local towns = {
    name = "Nuevaur",
    about = {
    "Main city of the elves - lots of trees, bug milk and stuff that easily burns ...",
    "... Sorry, just thinking aloud. Ahem. Very cosy and safe I guess if you're fond of nature."
    canBeSailed = true,
    isPremium = false,
    message = "So it's Nuevaur, the tree city of the elves you chose as your new home in Europa?",
    destination = {x = 1906, y = 524, z = 7}
    linea 75 escribió:},
    name = "Birka",
    about = {"Desert pyramid city close to the ocean, some underground tombs where I heard it's not bad hunting." },
    canBeSailed = true,
    isPremium = false,
    message = "So it's Birka, the city you chose as your new home in Europa?",
    destination = {x = 1846, y = 189, z = 7}
    name = "Sacsay",
    about = {
    "A city ruled by forthright independent women. \z
    Very clean and safe, but also very strict on the booze, alas. But if that's what you like..."
    canBeSailed = true,
    isPremium = false,
    message = "So it's Sacsay, the city under women's rule, a rival to Thais you chose as your new home in Sudamerica?",
    destination = {x = 797, y = 885, z = 7}
    name = "Tenoch",
    about = {
    "One of the two desert cities. \z
    Built around a lovely oasis. Lions, dragons... decent location for a newcomer."
    canBeSailed = true,
    isPremium = false,
    message = "So it's Tenoch, the city you chose as your new home in nortamerica?",
    destination = {x = 504, y = 662, z = 7}
    name = "Usad",
    about = {
    "Quiet little castle city on an island in the north-eastern part of Tibia. \z
    Trolls, goblins, rotworms... good place for starters, too."
    canBeSailed = true,
    isPremium = false,
    message = "So it's Usad, the city you chose as your new home in nortamerica?",
    destination = {x = 927, y = 435, z = 7}
    name = "Ankor",
    about = {
    "Ankor is on an island group in the South Seas. Ah, home sweet home. Err. I mean, \z
    it's pirates galore. Good deal of tortoises, too. Just be careful, then it's a good hunting location."
    canBeSailed = true,
    isPremium =false,
    message = "So it's Ankor, the city you chose as your new home in Africa?",
    destination = {x = 1653, y = 699, z = 7}
    name = "Rivendel",
    about = {
    "Rivendel is an outpost right in the middle of the jungle. ...",
    "Apes, bananas, hydras, tarantulas... Who'd want to go there? \z
    Except for crazy adventurers like these guys here on the island, obviously."
    canBeSailed = true,
    isPremium = false,
    message = "So it's Rivendel, the city you chose as your new home in nortamerica?",
    destination = {x = 903, y = 116, z = 7}
    name = "Matata",
    about = {
    "Old-school city. Actually the oldest main city on Earth. \z
    Be careful on those streets, there are bandits everywhere."
    canBeSailed = true,
    isPremium = false,
    message = "So it's Matata, the oldest of the human kingdoms you chose as your new home in nortamerica?",
    destination = {x = 193, y = 412, z = 7}
    name = "Jotunheim",
    about = {
    "Hohoh, one of the richest cities, filled with merchants and LOOT! Err. \z
    I mean, it is HIGHLY recommendable for unexperienced and first-time adventurers. \z
    Don't know why they built it over a stinking swamp though."
    canBeSailed = true,
    isPremium = false,
    message =
    "So it's Jotunheim, \z
    the rich swamp city of traders, recommended for new heroes, that you chose as your new home in Europa?",
    destination = {x = 1725, y = 109, z = 7}

    local defaultTown = TOWNS_LIST.JOTUNHEIM
    local townNames = {all = "", free = "", premium = ""}

    -- Function to build town names strings and adds additional data to sailable/premium towns about
    local function buildStrings()
    local townsList = {all = {}, free = {}, premium = {}}
    for id, town in pairs(towns) do
    if town.canBeSailed then
    if town.isPremium then
    table.insert(townsList.premium, "{" .. town.name .. "}")
    town.about[1] = "Only for {premium} travellers! " .. town.about[1]
    table.insert(townsList.premium, "{" .. town.name .. "}")
    table.insert(townsList.free, "{" .. town.name .. "}")
    town.about[#town.about] = town.about[#town.about] .. " I can {sail} there if you like."
    table.insert(townsList.all, "{" .. town.name .. "}")
    for list, townList in pairs(townsList) do
    if #townList == 1 then
    townNames[list] = townList[1]
    elseif #townList > 1 then
    table.sort(townList, function(a, b) return a:upper() < b:upper() end)
    local lastTown = table.remove(townList, #townList)
    townNames[list] = table.concat(townList, ", ") .. " or " .. lastTown


    -- Function to handle donations and its messages
    local function donationHandler(npc, creature, message, keywords, parameters, node) local player = Player(creature)
    local playerId = player:getId()

    if (parameters.confirm ~= true) and (parameters.decline ~= true) then
    npcHandler:say("So you want to donate " .. (player:getMoney() - 500) .. " gold coins? \z
    The little kiddies are going to appreciate it.", npc, creature)
    elseif (parameters.confirm == true) then
    if player:getMoney() > 500 then
    player:removeMoney((player:getMoney() - 500))
    "Well, that's really generous of you. That'll feed a lot of hungry mouths for a while. \z
    Right, now which {city} did you say you wanted to go to?", npc, creature)
    npcHandler:say("Well, har har. Very funny. Come on, pick up the gold you just dropped.", npc, creature)
    elseif (parameters.decline == true) then
    if player:getMoney() > 500 then
    "By tempest! What's all this gold weighing us down? Don't you think that's a little risky with all \z
    these pirates around? You can take 500 with you, but that's it. Drop the rest or {donate} it to the \z
    Adventurers' Orphans Fund, really.", npc, creature)
    return true

    -- Function to handle town travel and its messages
    local function townTravelHandler(npc, creature, message, keywords, parameters, node) local player = Player(creature)
    local playerId = player:getId()

    if (parameters.confirm ~= true) and (parameters.decline ~= true) and parameters.townId then
    local town = towns[parameters.townId]
    if town.canBeSailed == false then
    if player:isPremium() then
    npcHandler:say("What? Whatever that is, it's not a port I sail to. " .. townNames.premium .. "?", npc, creature)
    npcHandler:say("What? Whatever that is, it's not a port I sail to. " .. townNames.free .. "?", npc, creature)
    elseif town.isPremium == true and not player:isPremium() then
    "Negative, can't bring you there without a premium account. \z
    You should be glad you get to travel by ship - usually that's a premium service too, you know.", npc, creature)
    npcHandler:say(town.message .. " What do you say, {yes} or {no}?", npc, creature)
    elseif (parameters.confirm == true) then
    -- Handle money excess at confirm or it may be dropped and picked up in previous steps
    if player:getMoney() > 500 then
    "By tempest! What's all this gold weighing us down? Don't you think that's a little risky with all \z
    these pirates around? You can take 500 with you, but that's it. Drop the rest or {donate} it to the \z
    Adventurers' Orphans Fund, really.", npc, creature)
    return true
    local parentNode = node:getParent()
    local parentParameters = parentNode:getParameters()
    local townId = parentParameters.townId or parameters.townId
    local town = Town(townId)
    player:setStorageValue(Storage.Dawnport.Mainland, 1)
    "Cast off! Don't forget to talk to the guide at the port for directions to nearest bars... err, shops and \z
    bank and such!", npc, creature)
    npcHandler:removeInteraction(npc, creature)
    elseif (parameters.decline == true) then
    if player:isPremium() then
    npcHandler:say("Changed your mind? Which city do you want to head to, " .. townNames.premium .. "?", npc, creature)
    npcHandler:say("Changed your mind? Which city do you want to head to, " .. townNames.free .. "?", npc, creature)
    npcHandler.keywordHandler:moveUp(creature, 1)
    elseif (parameters.sailableTowns == true) and parameters.text then
    if player:isPremium() then
    npcHandler:say(string.gsub(parameters.text, "|TOWNS|", townNames.premium), npc, creature)
    npcHandler:say(string.gsub(parameters.text, "|TOWNS|", townNames.free), npc, creature)
    return true
    -- Other topics
    keywordHandler:addKeyword({"name"}, StdModule.say,
    npcHandler = npcHandler,
    text = "Ruby Dreadnought. But it's Captain Dreadnought to you!"
    keywordHandler:addKeyword({"job"}, StdModule.say,
    npcHandler = npcHandler,
    text = "I'm captain of this little sloop here, the Sea Cat."
    keywordHandler:addKeyword({"ship"}, StdModule.say,
    npcHandler = npcHandler,
    text = "She's pretty, isn't she? Will ship you safely to any port. Though a young landlubber such as you should \z
    consider to travel to Venore first. The travel is for free. Just once though! You have to ask for a {passage}."
    keywordHandler:addKeyword({"mainland"}, StdModule.say,
    npcHandler = npcHandler,
    text = "You chose a peaceful world. Not much danger from other adventurers. Just beware the monsters. \z
    Want go there, ask for a {passage}."
    keywordHandler:addKeyword({"rookgaard"}, StdModule.say,
    npcHandler = npcHandler,
    text = "That old place? Sorry, I don't sail there, no loot to be had."
    keywordHandler:addKeyword({"adventurers guild"}, StdModule.say,
    npcHandler = npcHandler,
    text = {
    "Those fellows help still green adventurers like you, so you learn the lay of the Tibian Mainlands. \z
    With the adventurer's stone you can reach their guild hall from all major temples. ...",
    "I recommend you travel there as soon as possible."
    keywordHandler:addKeyword({"premium"}, StdModule.say,
    npcHandler = npcHandler,
    text = "Some regions in the world can't be accessed by everyone. Gotta pay, you know? \z
    If you spend some real cash for premium time, I can bring you to much more challenging locations."
    keywordHandler:addKeyword({"tibia"}, StdModule.say,
    npcHandler = npcHandler,
    text = "That's what the whole place is called."
    -- Main topic nodes
    local readyNode = keywordHandler:addKeyword({"yes"}, StdModule.say,
    npcHandler = npcHandler,
    text = "Good. Got all you want to take to the mainland, {yes}? Gear, limbs, loot?"
    local notReadyNode = keywordHandler:addKeyword({"no"}, StdModule.say,
    npcHandler = npcHandler,
    text = "What? Then what DO you want? Learn about the main Tibian {cities}?"
    -- Main subtopic nodes
    -- hi, yes, ...
    local defaultTownNode = readyNode:addChildKeyword({"yes"}, StdModule.say,
    npcHandler = npcHandler,
    text = {
    "Quick learner, good answer. For inexperienced newcomers, \z
    I'd recommend the city of {" .. towns[defaultTown].name .. "}. Great place to start! ...",
    "Though I can tell you about the other main Tibian {cities} too, if you wish. \z
    So, ready to set sail for {" .. towns[defaultTown].name .. "}?"
    readyNode:addChildKeyword({"no"}, StdModule.say,
    npcHandler = npcHandler,
    text = "While you take time to ponder, I will just stroll over there and pretend not to listen to you thinking.",
    ungreet = true
    -- hi, no, ...
    local aboutTownsNode = notReadyNode:addChildKeyword({"yes"}, StdModule.say,
    npcHandler = npcHandler,
    text = "Well, I can tell you stuff about " .. townNames.all .. "."
    local aboutSailNode = notReadyNode:addChildKeyword({"no"}, townTravelHandler,
    sailableTowns = true,
    text = "So you know it all, huh? Where do you want me to bring you to, kid? |TOWNS|?"
    -- hi, yes, yes, ...
    defaultTownNode:addChildKeyword({"yes"}, townTravelHandler, {confirm = true, townId = defaultTown})
    defaultTownNode:addChildKeyword({"no"}, townTravelHandler, {decline = true})
    -- Towns topic nodes
    local townsNode = keywordHandler:addKeyword({"cities"}, StdModule.say,
    npcHandler = npcHandler,
    text = "Do you want to know about " .. townNames.all .. "?"
    for id, town in pairs(towns) do
    local townNode = KeywordNode:new({town.name:lower()}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, text = town.about})
    -- Sail topic nodes
    local sailNode = keywordHandler:addKeyword({"sail"}, StdModule.say,
    npcHandler = npcHandler,
    text = "So, you've decided on your new home city? Which one will it be?"
    local confirmNode = KeywordNode:new({"yes"}, townTravelHandler, {confirm = true})
    local declineNode = KeywordNode:new({"no"}, townTravelHandler, {decline = true})
    for id, town in pairs(towns) do
    local townSailNode = KeywordNode:new({town.name:lower()}, townTravelHandler, {townId = id})
    -- Donate topic nodes
    local donateNode = keywordHandler:addKeyword({"donate"}, donationHandler, {},
    function(player) return player:getMoney() > 500 end
    donateNode:addChildKeywordNode(KeywordNode:new({"yes"}, donationHandler, {confirm = true}))
    donateNode:addChildKeywordNode(KeywordNode:new({"no"}, donationHandler, {decline = true}))

    local function greetCallback(npc, creature)
    local playerId = creature:getId()
    local player = Player(creature)
    "Well, well, a new " .. player:getVocation():getName():lower() .. "! Want me to bring you somewhere nice? \z
    Just say {yes}."
    return true

    local function creatureSayCallback(npc, creature, type, message)
    local player = Player(creature)
    local playerId = player:getId()

    if not npcHandler:checkInteraction(npc, creature) then
    return false

    local currentNode = keywordHandler:getLastNode(creature)
    -- Handle other words for nodes while still handling (bye, farewell) keywords
    if #currentNode.children == 0 then
    "Kid, listen. Answering with a clear {yes} or {no} will get you much further in Tibia. \z
    Most people are not as sharp-eared as I am. Got that?", npc, creature)
    elseif currentNode == readyNode then
    npcHandler:say("Errr... was that a foreign language? Could you just answer with a clear {yes} or {no}?", npc, creature)
    elseif currentNode == notReadyNode then
    "Aw, come on! Talk to me in human words! {Yes}, {no}, or mention a city's name, that kind of stuff.", npc, creature)
    return true

    npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_GREET, greetCallback)
    npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback)
    "You sure you want to spend time on this piece of rock? I can show you the world! Huh."


    -- npcType registering the npcConfig table


    [Ayuda] NPC Error quiero poner mis ciudades ;( Towns10

    gracias por la ayuda.... no entiendo nadaaaa!!
    Captura del Error escribió:Imagen del error: [Ayuda] NPC Error quiero poner mis ciudades ;( Npc10
    El error radica en: Npc

    3 participantes

    [Admin] God Maya

    [Admin] God Maya
    por lo que veo tu scripts esta buscando una tabla para comparar, lo cual no encuentra para comparar

    [Ayuda] NPC Error quiero poner mis ciudades ;( YNU5B25
    3 participantes


    pero que funcion hara el npc?, transportar, indicar o residencia

    3 participantes

    Contenido patrocinado

    3 participantes

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